Remember: your first time you were kissed, the first day of school, when your child was born, where you were September 11, 2001.
Remember. A God-given gift--memory. We can use it for the great times, but there are also those times which we would like to wipe off the slate. Remember. A gift given to us to recall who we once were, where we have been and what we are going to become.
But, I remember a day that I found so sad I can hardly find words. I remember that day 10 years ago when I rushed to the school and assisted parents to take their children home. Parents who only wanted to hug their kids and hold them as they saw fates of fellow Americans in NYC at the Towers and then in Pennsylvania. Remember the heroes who assisted hundreds from burning rubble and dust and from the heroes in the plane who saved hundreds of peole they never met. Other Americans.
Remember America. Not to be worshiped but to be honored. The God-given land for Christians to be able to worship in freedom. Remember HE was there. He was in the stairwell as the fireman went up as hundreds fled down to escape the fiery building. HE was there when a daddy chose to rush the evil barehanded and sacrifice his life for the lives of others. HE was there as families grieved and searched. HE is there as we continue to ask why, but in faith we KNOW HE has the future. HE IS there no, with all of those who loved HIM and HE called home. HE was there when the Constitution of this land was written, HE had a divine role. HE planned it. Remember?
Lest we forget. Did you forget that our land is the home of the free and the brave? Did you forget that In God We Trust is our motto? Did you forget that "We the people" means all of those devoted and willing to die for the cause of freedom? These words are not mere words. They are providential words that have been God-given. Remember?
It is hard, at times like these, to remember. Remember the pain in our hearts; remember the tears; remember the sounds, smells and noise; remember the lost.
Remember that the battle is in the spiritual realm...and if we did not see this 10 years ago then we are blind. So, remember.....