Wednesday, January 9, 2019


This morning at 3am I embarked on a trek across this great land!  I started at 430am in Orlando FL and then arrived in Orange County California at 11am THEIR time...

I might say there seems to always be adventure when traveling. Sometimes good, sometimes not so good. SO many trips with the family and the laughs and the joy-- and the puking and fevers.... they go hand in hand when traveling!

As I sit here in a quiet hotel room alone with some happy Hawaiian music playing I reflect on all the travels we have taken.  And Im looking forward to all the trips that have yet to be disclosed!

Embrace this life.  Enjoy the day. Enjoy crowds and being alone. There is a place and time for each of them! SO stop stressing in the adventure-- just go for it...

“One of the drawbacks about adventures is that when you come to the most beautiful places you are often too anxious and hurried to appreciate them.”  -CS Lewis, The Horse and His Boy

Monday, January 7, 2019


I have been gone from blogging for so long I hope I can remember how my fingers work with my brain! LOL

Well, I am excited to share that I'm back! With some fresh new ideas and some fresh new twists and turns....

I have learned to embrace me, my style and my brand over the last couple of years....

My kids are all grown up now- we graduate the last one this year! And life is changing so fast! I am always amazed at how fast time flies by...

I reflect here. I think here. I share here.  I hope you enjoy it and in some ways, I hope it helps you know more about you.

So, keep on following and looking at what I'm working for.... I will be sharing more and more with each of you!!!

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens." Ecc 3:1