My first impression about a blog: the name is just too weird and bulky. Blogging sounds like something you do when you are blown up like a balloon and bouncing around the countryside. It's not quite an onomatopoeia but it is close to it. So, initially my first impression is very deceiving on this issue and should I go through with this?!
So, I guess you could say, blogging is a lot like we are--deceiving. Our initial presentation to a new person could be that one of like or dislike, but initially, it is all deceiving. For, as we grow and learn about each other, new times and places or even blogging, we come to accept the differences and the impression we were first given. We now see that impressions are just that : an unreal idea or vision about a thing or person...therefore it is deceiving.
So, now you see why I might not be a good blogger. My thoughts can go way out there and then they might wander a bit.
It is a daily and moment by moment battle to hold the words I love so close and remember what they mean. The words form the book of Joshua which say:
"Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go."
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