Change. The simple process of going from one thing to another. Well, sometimes it's just not that simple. Change is the one thing Christ promised us. Change can be exciting, unknown and just down right scary. Change.
For me change is everything. Change is going from the known to the unknown, from the good to the bad or from the old to the new. Change is hard. I enjoy my home, my space, my kids and my stuff just the way it is. I expect my friends to always be there and for my church to always be there and whatever I come in contact with to be there. But, then they change.
Friends move. Kids get older and go off to college. Stuff breaks and we have to get a new one or maybe not. Life is rearranged not by our own doing but by our society. Churches split. Pets die. It is all change. Daily: living: change.
But, Jesus promised change. Turn from your old self and turn towards the cross. Take up your cross and follow him. Count your trials (times of change) joy as they will make you stronger and you will learn to trust God with all your heart. Promises. All about change. Things to always remember.
There is now wrapping up is ongoing. Change from what to wear today, to what does God want for me to do for Him today...where to go, who to chat with, what meeting to go to make a difference, how can I help God change this world for His is ALL CHANGE...... luckily, we can all change together!
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