I honestly feel that most people are born 'good'. That children, although they are God-made, are innocent until a time of accountability and they are indwelled with a sense of good and bad. I believe that as we age, we also retain that same sense of good and bad, but sometimes we let it fall away and go with what 'feels' right. And we follow the trends of society and 'doing what is right in our own eyes'
I recently read a message that said in a round about way: All Christians are not good because they call themselves a Christian. I find it sad, but I have to agree. Just as children have an age when they realize who they are and whose they are-- adults also forget this---yes, even in the church and in the Christian world.
Being a Christian is not about reading the Bible, or knowing the verses, or wearing a bumper sticker on your car that says Jesus Saves. It is a lifestyle, a challenge and a blessing each day. The words from the Bible should penetrate your innermost soul, your Spirit, the thing that makes you who you are. Through your actions, through your words and through your thoughts. This is the challenge-- because as humans, we can all go to the place that is just not right. It can happen in seconds or years. It can be words, or thoughts or actions which lead to this place.... each day, each second, we are challenged to stay on the path of Godliness...to focus on the cross and try to not loose sight of who and whose we are. To remember we have been bought with a price---
So, for all of those out there who want to use the name of Christian and make derogatory remarks, that's OK. It shows that our culture and maybe your family has not shown God in their actions, thoughts and deeds. It does not show who Christians are and how they live. And it does prove that no Christian is perfect, but they are redeemed by the blood of Christ. We make mistakes, we make bad choices, but we change and turn from the wrong, daily and try to do better. "All have fallen short of the Glory of God." and some days we all have to remember this verse and cringe and then get up and get back on the path we are to be on.
I find it hard on many days not to lash out and be nasty to someone who I feel has harmed me. I find empathy for those who I feel have been treated unjust. I find that sometimes our laws and our society is so blatetly misguided it makes me sick. I try to be the best I can and to look for the Creator for the answers. He is there, if I wait and listen. For the times I blurt out meaness, bad words and wrong answers, or just ignore the obvious- I am shown mercy and understanding. Being able to show this same mercy to others is where I have to work.....
We should all remember that not all of any one group is 'good' or 'bad' ... it just takes a small percentage to mar the image of a group. Be they hispanics, Christians, blacks, muslims, or Boosters (lol)... we as a socirty tend to make snap judgements about a certain group as a whole based on the poor choice of some.