This week has been a kicker.
I have had friends who have had the rugs pulled out from underneath them. I have helped them pick up the rugs, shake them off and get back on and into life....... I have prayed for undeniable truth in the court for a friend. That a judge would hear her story and see her written documentation and see that there was no doubt that she was in the truth.
Then, it hit our house. The truth was to be tested. It would be tested in our actions, words and deeds. It would be seen by many as a way to either hinder our influence or strengthen it. It was, and still is, a really tough battle. But I kept in the TRUTH. reminding myself that the battles on this earth are not mine, and they have already been won....with the TRUTH.
What is truth? What does it mean? How do we know if it is truth or non-truth? Well, I guess, to some there is no value. No absolute truth. No means to measure integrity or honor. I pity those who are without truth and hence without hope. It hurts my heart.
I value truth, honesty and humility. I value that I can trust a person is honest and then if something is wrong or they just mess up, they are a big enough person to humble themselves and apologize.
We have had to learn some big lessons this week. Lessons about respect for authority, honor and humiliation. But I will say that we were able to do this with help from friends and more than not, from our God. He has given us the sense of truth and a living breathing Word. We have the answers, he has equipped us and made us whole and unique. We can stand for truth, because HE has already won.
I look back now and I see the injustice that was given to my child. I see the blatant lack of respect and dignity for human life. I see people who should not be in the positions they are in as they are hurting others emotionally. I pity them.....
But, in my heart, I have to rejoice because God is good ALL the time. And, for this time, God has blessed with showing us that "you shall KNOW the truth and Truth shall set you free".....
And now, forgiveness.
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